4 Benefits of Oriental Dance Classes

There are tons of benefits of practicing Oriental Dance but I will put here 4 major ones:

1. Boost In Self-Esteem. Oriental Dance is mainly a feminine soloist dance that is composed of ancient moves natural to our bodies, teaching us how to move it in our favor. It really helps us accepting our body as it is.
2. Dive Into A Completely Different Culture. Oriental Dance broadens our horizon, showing us a different way of living, expressing… Trying to understand and respect such a different culture as the Arabic, provides us a completely new perspective of the world and of our own culture.
3. High Body Mobility. Oriental Dance needs us to be conscient of several muscles we typically don’t use - not only conscient but also having the ability to easily control it. This mobility is seriously great for our body and spirit.
4. Finally, Oriental Dance Is a Highly Expressive Dance. There are few rules to it, it’s mainly a soloist dance and there are so many different styles that we can easily put our own personality in the dance. It’s totally a dance from the inside to the outside.

Besides these, there all the typical benefits: musicality, balance, coordination, flexibility, strength, etc. So… join us in our classes and dance!